Monday, April 28, 2008

RE: Being a Freak

I myself haven't really been called a freak for a reason, because everyone says "You're so smart" and sometimes people say that I'm cute.

But sometimes I can pretend like one when
playing a role as some freak, an odd one out. And sometimes people stare at me when I be random at times.
Though it's not like I hate it. Sometimes being a freak is when you want to be left alone, and act different so people will leave you. Though, sometimes it feels awkward, when people just start staring at you, and you have no reason why until you realize it.
I always felt a little left out because I was always the smartest in class until 5th grade. But I never really payed attention.

However, I never recall calling somebody a Freak. I tend to be nice a lot. If i did, i may have erased it from my memory.

Being a "Freak" to me seems like being a odd one out. Like being in a crowd of people with friends and no-one is being your friend because they decided not to hang out with you or was away and absent.
"Freak" sometimes means unusual or something, because somebody can be completely normal but can be called a freak because of a broken leg. Or a wheelchair. It's completely natural to have disabilities. No-one is perfect.

Thats my definition of Freak and when I've been called that name.

Freak The Mighty

*Images that are supposed to be here but aren't because Amanda is lazy*
I'll explain about them... later...

Anyway, Freak the Mighty is an awesome book we're reading in class. I already know how the ending goes. It's really sad...

We've gotten to Chapter 5 so far. That's a fifth of the book already. It's still sort of introducing these characters. "Freak" and "Mighty" are two different people who are complete opposites. They end up being best friends later on and go on adventures together, but now they're getting to know each other.
In the beginning, Mighty talks about how he was called the "Kicker" in day care because, well, he kicked everything. He also talks about how he met Freak. He also says that he never saw Freak until he recently had moved into his neighborhood when they were older.
Then in the next chapter it talks more about Freak moving in, and it seems he was very unsocial.
In the chapter after that, Freak was playing with some mechanical bird that he couldn't get out of a tree, so Mighty helped him out and played with him, thus increasing their relationship.
The chapter we finished today is when Freak visited the "Down under", also known Mighty's room. They talked about Grim and Gram, Mighty's Grandparents. Freak also told him the story about King Arthur, and reveals his fantasy of robots and how ancient knights represent them. Mighty was Learning a lot of things from Freak. The "Fair Gwen of air", Freak's mom, was worried sick about her son and when Freak came out of the Down under, she immediately took him home. She might have been scared of mighty.

So that's how far we've gotten. I'll update soon in a few chapters~

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fever 1793 - Book Reveiw

I don't have the actual book with me, but I'm trying my best.

Fever 1793 is a book of epic adventure and surviving through a plague. This book was written by Laurie Halse Anderson. It shows how much you can change because of this event. The plague was called the Yellow Fever, and it still exists today but can be taken care of better. It's spread by a certain type of female Mosquito.
In this book, it took place in 1793 where the fever started in august in Philadelphia. The main character was Matilda, and she changes a lot throughout the story. It must have been tough for her, seeing as her friend dies and she can't go to the funeral and her Grandpa dies in front of her eyes. Matilda goes through lots of hardships and problems, but always broke through because she kept trying. If I had been in the same situation, I'd probably never make it through. She had to live through nearly five months of barely any food, barely and company, dying people all around her and even going through the fever herself.
Imagine, a plague going around San Diego and nobody notices until thousands of people are dead. Imagine, if you were said to have the plague, your family kicked you out because of it. Imagine, a little kid's mother died from the plague and the kid was all alone. That's only
just a few of the hardships that the plague could have caused. That plague had changed everybody's lives in Fever 1793.
The author may have had an experience of her own to relate to how Matilda felt and changed. She definitely was not alive during this time period, but she makes it seem real. The ever-tolling church bells, those people pushing the carts to the grave, the thousands of bodies buried in the park, the almost mindless grave diggers eternally digging pits for those bodies, the plague, everything made me feel like I was in the story.
From this occurrence, doctors hopefully learned that mercury,
other chemicals and bleeding people will not heal them. We know how to cure the yellow fever - just like any other fever - you rest well and have some fresh air. They didn't have correct medicines or vaccines back then, so I'm pretty sure it will be easier curing it today.
Though if it had never happened in America and the plague had remained in South Africa (I think), who knows, maybe Philadelphia will still have remained the United States' capital.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Life as an Animal - A fiction by Amanda

Here's my first published piece of 6th grade. I'll be writing it here.

Life as an Animal

I giggled. I trotted outside with a cup of rabbit food.
"Hey Elijah!" I greeted the white rabbit spotted with black brown dots. I poured the food into his bowl.
"How are you doing?" I said with a smile as I patted him. "You know, sometimes I wish I can be an animal and talk to you," I said. The rabbit cocked his head. "Don't you wish you can be human?" I continued, "See life through our eyes? I wish i can see life through your eyes."
Elijah seemed to nod. He turned around and dug his head into his bowl and ate his food.
I giggled again. "I gotta get inside, Elijah! Bye!" I patted him with a smile and locked his cage before I took off.

.:Next Day:.

I yawned, stretching my front legs. Wait a minute! Front legs!? I looked down, screaming. Well, not exactly screaming, it was really high pitch, maybe not audible to human ears.
Anyway, I was a rabbit! A rabbit! I looked over to the clock. It was only 4AM. I swiftly jumped out of bed, racing to the kitchen.
I found myself jumping on the counter and then jumping to the doorknob to get outside. That went on for a while...
By the time I got outside, it was already 5AM. I ran towards Elijah's cage.
"Elijah! Elijah!" I screamed in panic. I didn't know who else to go to. Elijah looked over to me.
"What?" He asked as if it were nothing.
I couldn't believe it. My rabbit. Talking. My rabbit! I wanted to faint. Maybe it just was that I understood him for the first time. Yeah, that's all.

"What's going on!?" I asked (more like demanded) in a whiny voice. "How did I become this?"
"It's nothing," Elijah said casually. I was really confused. I almost hope this is a dream!
"And because I said so," Elijah joked. He smiled. "No, I wished it," He said, correcting himself.
"How?" I said, still frightened at the situation at hand... no, paw.
"Yesterday was my birthday."
My head perked up. His birthday?
"I'm 4 years old now. For the past 3 years, my wishes have come true. It was true magic. Two years ago, I was adopted by you. A year ago, I was able to meet some new friends. Those dogs your uncle owned, were they? And this year, I wanted to do something for you. I never thought it would actually work," He smiled. Then Elijah frowned,"When I was a kitten, I wasn't so lucky..."
I beamed. Who cares if he hadn't been lucky the first time? Maybe karma felt bad for him and decided to let his wishes come true. Anyway... He really cared about me! I knew taking him from the shelter three years ago was the right choice!
We smiled.
"Elijah, Thank you!"
For you people who don't understand, Karma is when bad things happen to you and you get something good later on (or something like that). When Elijah said "When I was a kitten, I wasn't so lucky...", he meant when he was a baby. Kitten means baby rabbit as well as other animals.
Please comment on how good you think this is.